Saturday, November 8, 2008

Futbol and stuff

The ducks pulled it off again. Fumbles , wide snaps for safeties, other miscues.and still they won, with 6 seconds left to play . And they did it all as I was putting around Eugene and Springfield getting prices on some old guns That my dad gave me. Seems that they were nice guns but fired obsolete ammo. Available only in specialtystores or catalogs. However one was a fairly collectable Colt revolver in excellent condition. I found a collector who was interested and wound up at his house during the last few minutes of the game.
Long story shortened, he bought them for cash and I found myself at another gun shop buying a lightly used Smith and Wesson 45 M&P. Sweet handgun. Can't wait to get out to shoot it.


Alexis said...

Sweet - Football and guns. You must have not had a lot of hope in the Ducks to be out gun swapping during the middle of it. :)

Alexis said...

You got tagged on my blog - now you have to play along or I shall be forced to blog bad things.